Deborah Tilby

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Deborah Tilby has been painting professionally for 37 years, exhibiting first with Johnson Galleries in Edmonton, then with Leafhill Gallery in Victoria and Harrison
Galleries in Vancouver.  During her fifteen years in England she was represented by Royall Fine Art in Tunbridge Wells and Bromley Gallery in London.  She had work selected for the permanent collection of the Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolour.  Returning to Victoria in 1992,  Deborah exhibited with Marshall Gallery and Stephen Lowe Gallery and is now represented by the Avenue Gallery on Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria BC.

Asked about her work, Deborah says, "For me painting has always been about the light. I am fascinated by the effects of light on colour, texture and form.  For many years I painted street scenes and landscapes in Europe but now I am local landscape; the rusts, blue greys and violets of winter, the vast range of greens in spring and summer and the soft, gentle colours of autumn."

                                                                        - Deborah Tilby



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